React Application for Code Intensive Final Project

In October 2016, I received a certificate in Front-End Engineering from The Iron Yard.

After working as a graphic design and a web developer who specialized in custom WordPress themes for several years, I decided to go to code school as JavaScript proficiency seemed to be a specific requirement being requested to move forward in my career.

The 12-week intensive focused on JavaScript and React.

The curriculum included learning JavaScript, React, Git/GitHub, terminal commands and CSS animations/Flexbox. Upon graduation, I felt my educational goals were accomplished, as I was offered two positions within a week of graduation that met my new salary expectations.

My final project was Splash-Search.

It is a React web app that uses Geolocation and the Haversine function to calculate the mileage and sort parks according to proximity to your device. You can also sort locations according to what activities are available.

For this project, I used React, SASS, JSON, React Router, and a NPM Haversine Library.